Monday, November 14, 2011


1-10 A girl is walking by the ocean, feeling lonely.

11-20 She looks at her reflection in the water and decides to jump in.

21-30 She falls deep into the water and is being watched by a mermaid.  Bubbles float up from the splash.

31-40 She turns around and notices the mermaid.

41-50 The mermaid shows the girl the ocean.  Will insert Sea stars that rotate.

51-60 The mermaid gives the girl a tour of all of the fun things in the ocean.  Dolphins swim in and out of the frame.

61-70 A shark unexpectedly swims up and bites her leg.

71-80 After a the shark departs, the girl is enveloped in a cyclone of her own blood.

81-90 When the cyclone is gone, she finds that she never really needed that leg afterall.

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